Thursday, May 14, 2009

Change Your Thought, Change Your Mind.

I'm sure you have heard the term, Change Your Thought, Change Your Mind. I was watching "What The Bleep" again last has been a few years, I love the scientific explanation how our brains are hard-wired to keep repeating the same patterns. One way to change that wiring is to become aware of the behavior or emotion and then to choose a different response (the basis of the movie). A smoking cessation client recently had success in this area, but it took him 3 months to do the reprogramming. The term Change Your Thought, Change Your Mind sounds instantaneous and it is to some degree, there is a shift, but it takes dedication to that process to have the reprogramming completely take effect. So, keep doing the correction you will get there. A canoe is always drifting off course, but with consistent steering corrections it gets down river and so will you.

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