Saturday, October 17, 2009


Did you know you have two parts of mind? They are designed to work together, but often they work in opposition. The result? You think one thing, but your actions don’t follow. It’s not the lack of willpower or conscious attention, but rather your subconscious mind's programming that causes you to behave in a way contradictory to your conscious desires.

This is a series of six articles designed to educate you on how your mind works, so you can program your mind to cooperate with you.


The conscious mind’s job is to analyze, rationalize, contemplate and think. I call it THE THINKER.

The subconscious mind’s job is to not only store huge libraries of information, but also to store beliefs, habits, memories and the emotions attached to those memories. This part of our mind uses this information to express our behavior. I call it THE DOER.

One part thinks the other part’s job is to carry out a thought, which sounds as if it should work; however, our old habits, beliefs and emotions are stronger than our conscious intention. More often than most people realize, the feelings carried in the subconscious can sabotage the conscious mind’s intent, even to land an order.

So how does the subconscious mind become fixated on beliefs and habits that no longer serve us? There are four ways: repetition, an idea presented to us by authority figures, events experienced under intense emotion, and identification with a parent or group.

Basically we are the total of everything we have ever heard, taught, or experienced…and it is all stored in the subconscious mind. The good news is that anything you learned, you can unlearn. Begin today by becoming aware of your thoughts and the subsequent behavior or action. Do they match up? What is your thought right now about your ability to succeed in business and in sales? Does your belief system support that thought? More next time.