Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spring, Time To Balance Your Act.

Did you know the Spring Equinox or Vernal Equinox on March 20 is the day when there are equal parts day and night? What a wonderful balancing act!

If nature can do it so can you, because nature is your natural aid to balancing your life.

When I was in advertising, I walked on synthetic carpet all day (yuk), drove home in a polluting car, listening to crap on the radio, pulled into my concrete drive way and stepped again on carpet surrounded by sheet rock and paint. Some days, I would get to see the clouds from the window of an airplane on my way to another concrete city. I worked 10 hours most days, skipped lunch, drank too much coffee and then guess what? I got really sick.

It was time to step outside. Hiking, walking, or sitting on a park bench was amazing to me, like a drug. Outside the trees, grass, flowers, rocks, animals, insects all exist in perfect balance and we get to walk into that. People think going on vacation and getting out in nature is helpful because we are away from the phones, etc. I think it is more about stepping into the wonderful balancing energy the natural world offers us. I have more to say here, but I’ve got to go outside, my cells needs some of that energy from the warm and welcoming sun…..

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