Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sales. It's A Matter Of Mind. Part Three

Last time we discussed the Law of Concentrated Attention and how it relates to success in sales, to recap:

What is your thought right now about your ability to succeed in business and in sales? The Law of Concentrated Attention states, “What you focus your concentrated attention on, over and over spontaneously tends to become a reality.” Or, another way to say it is: “What you expect to happen, happens.”

Retrain Your Brain

One of my favorite things to teach people is how their thoughts are making them better at something or sometimes worse at something. I’d like to challenge you to do something differently this week: spend time visualizing and imagining the correct outcome of a sales experience

What if you avoid new clients, imagine seeing yourself open and receptive to them. What if you don’t like representing a new product, see yourself absorbing the details of that product like a sponge.

Improvement In Sales Skills

So, why are we able to make behavioral changes by only visualizing an activity? It is because your subconscious mind does not know the difference between a real and an imagined activity. Imagining, visualizing and hypnotizing your brain creates the SAME response as doing the actual activity. So going back to the Law of Concentrated Attention, doesn’t that make sense?

I would like to point out the difference between the “real activity” and the “hypnotic practice session”. When you are doing the real activity, you are doing it RIGHT and WRONG. Every time visual a sales success you are also creating a new neural pathway in the brain that support that activity. Your brain doesn’t know which one is right or wrong. So as you may have already realized, the fastest improvement in any skill is the repetition of doing it correctly, in your mind. You can certainly use hypnosis to speed up the process.

More next time.
Valerie Grimes, CHt is a hypnotist and mind coach in practice in Irving since 2002. She works with individuals to improve sales by uncovering the true cause of under performance. You can contact her at:

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