Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sales. It's A Matter Of Mind. Part Two

In my last blog we discussed the two parts of mind and how they work either for or against you in sales and in life, to recap:

The conscious mind’s job is to analyze, rationalize, contemplate and think. I call it THE THINKER.

The subconscious mind’s job is store huge libraries of information, as well as beliefs, habits, memories and the emotions attached to those memories. This part of our mind uses this information to direct our behavior. I call it THE DOER.

So what behavior are you expressing in the area of sales? If it is confident and positive you have no worries; however, if that behavior is self-defeating or counter productive, you may want to consider reprogramming your mind.

As yourself this question: What is your thought right now about your ability to succeed in business and in sales? Write it down on paper and get it out of your head.

Now examine what you have written. Let’s say you have written: “I feel it is impossible for me to reach my new quota.” Or, “The new service we offer is too expensive, people these days don’t have enough money for that.”

Just like there are laws of physics, there are laws of mind. The Law of Gravity states, “what comes up, must come down”. One of the Law’s of Mind, the Law of Concentrated Attention states, “what you focus your concentrated attention on, over and over spontaneously tends to become a reality.” Or, another way to say it is: “What you expect to happen, happens.”

Back to your original thought, “it is impossible for me to reach my quota.” If that is your focused thought, that is your result. It’s the law.

There are many books about how to “change your mind and change your life.” They are based on this Law of Mind. Your first step is realizing what you are focusing your attention on and then once conscious of that, begin to shift your thinking to something with a more positive tone. For example, you could say to yourself, “In the past, I’ve been held back by a low quota, this new quota gives me room to expand my abilities and reach new heights.” Notice how different that sounds? Which do you choose? Your mind is awaiting your direction.

More next time.

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