Monday, November 30, 2009

Eating Can Be A Distraction

If you are eating right now because you are hungry, you are feeding your inborn need to nourish your cells. Isn't it great how your mind tells you to eat when you are truly hungry? However, if you are eating right now and you are not hungry, you are probably eating to distract yourself from something else.

Put your fork down and decide what that is.

What did you come up with? Boredom, frustration, sadness, pain...

If you feel any of those emotions, that is OKAY, they are merely inner emotions that tell us something needs to change. Think about the warning lights on the dashboard of your car. Let's say your oil light comes on...what do you do? You have a choice: put in oil, or put in more gas. Perhaps your response is, "Why would I put in gas if the oil light is on?" The answer lies in the reason you put in food "gas" when your "emotional" warning light comes on.

Let's pretend your emotional feeling light comes on and says, "I'm bored" you don't go to the frig and put in more food (if your desire is to have a healthy body) but instead you make a change in your routine or otherwise deal with your boredom.

Emotional feelings are normal, be in touch with them, listen to what they are telling you and respond in a way that is satisfying, but not damaging to your health.

Learn more about emotional eating on Dec 8 at my mini-workshop at the Wellness Institute and Medical Spa 6-7 pm. RSVP 817-358-5880.

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