Saturday, September 26, 2009

It's time to go back and pick up the girl you left behind.

Transitional experiences can provide the emotional motivation to return to an earlier, much simpler time.

One day we are daydreaming about how life will be and the next realization is that we are living a life we barely recognize. Often times 10, 20, 30 or 40 years have passed. The impetus for the transition is often greeted with dread, "oh my God I've lost my job," or "my spouse wants a divorce," these events are often viewed as terrible situations and problems to solve but actually they can be a way out of our robotic lives.

At my recent Women in Transition workshop, 6 incredible women courageously shared "where they'd been-caterpillar phase" and "where they are now-cocoon phase," compared to "where they wanted to be-butterfly phase."

There is a great deal of confusion and fear that comes with change and it was present at the start of the workshop. The good news is, we were all born with the innate ability to be whomever we want to be, our cells have the wisdom to guide us to higher purposes. Remember our minds stop us, but the heart knows.

If you feel you are not living the life you envisioned long ago, follow your heart back and pick up the girl you last saw in your 20s. To do this, consider connecting to a memory of her and writing her a letter, letting her know you miss her and want to reconnect.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Time For Improving Your Health?

My recent weight management survey clearly pointed to a "lack of time" as being the number one obstacle to improved health. I think that is because people are not IN LOVE WITH THE BENEFITS OF BEING HEALTHIER.

In order to change anything, our motivation must be there. So, what are your benefits of being healthier? Perhaps it is more energy/stamina, improved self image, live longer/be there for kids and grandkids, feel great, etc.

If any of those outcomes appeal to you, spend 10 minutes listing YOUR TOP BENEFITS FOR (your goal or outcome). Then find a quiet place and imagine them so vividly that they seem to already be happening. This is the absolute best way to spend 10 minutes of each day....seeing, feeling and sensing on what you really want! And when you experience a few minutes of what you really want, you start to get excited about the outcome and the mind automatically works in that direction.

This idea also applies to any behavior you wish to change like improved sales, stress situations, communication, relationship, career moves, nail biting, etc.

What the mind can conceive it will achieve. Use the power of your imagination, see it, feel it, be it!

Try it and let me know how that works for you.